Getting Started…

It’s hard to know at what point in my life I began my journey as an artist.  As far back as I can remember into my childhood, I loved to draw and paint.  I have memories of painting glass jars with model paint, creating landscapes in oils (never very successfully), doodling and drawing, creating whenever time allowed.  I anxiously awaited birthdays and Christmas mornings, excited to see what new art supplies might surprise me inside gift-wrapped boxes.  My parents were always supportive.  I think they knew that art would always be a huge part of who I AM.  I neglected art at times in my life, put it on the back burner to do other things.  I left for college intending to study art and pursue a teaching career.  I changed my course, headed into the legal field, and worked as a litigation paralegal.  Early on, I could balance painting with a full time job.  I had two successful shows.  But then life got more exciting and complicated (as it often does in our twenties) and my brushes were shelved. It’s been an interesting path, complete with an active duty Air Force husband, three children, and six moves across the country so far…I wouldn’t change a thing.  My life has come full circle back to teaching and creating. I began to teach art two years ago at a wonderful studio in Las Vegas.  In that studio, and with the encouragement of family and friends, I rediscovered my energy and drive, to create, educate and share my passion.  I guess you can say, I have restarted….

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